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I'm not a superwoman. I'm just a woman

Article by Melissa Buch

I’ve heard the term ‘superwoman' more than once and even had younger female entrepreneurs say, “You’re a superwoman, how do you do it?”

Let me tell you: there is no such thing as a superwoman. And we need to stop using this term. It leads to damaging expectations and puts unnecessary pressure on younger generations - people who feel the need to excel as mothers, daughters, sisters, wives, friends and professionals.

Which is why my answer to this question is always, “I’m not a superwoman. I’m just a woman.”

Every time I go on a business trip, I’m choosing work over family.

Every time I spend an afternoon with my kids, I’m choosing family over work.

Every time I call my dad, I am choosing him over a client.

Every time I work late, I’m choosing meetings over wellness.

We need to stop giving the impression that our daily routine as working women doesn’t involve making sacrifices and difficult choices. Sometimes we get it right, sometimes we get it wrong. But we always try to find the balance between the choices we make. 

So what’s the key to success?

To be at peace with your choices. To understand that they’re part of who you are. And to realize that trying to have it all will just give you a constant feeling of failure. 

As Gloria Steinem has said, the mythical superwoman is an adversary of the women’s movement. The term should be banished, as it makes us try to reach an unattainable goal and leaves us feeling less empowered at the end of it.

On this International Women's Day, I ask for the world to stop using the term ‘superwoman and celebrate all women making choices every day.

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